Current Event #2: Starting October 8

This post is due NO LATER THAN:  Period 1- October 19; Period 3- October 21; Period 5- October 23

Read the following article, answer the questions by posting on the “comment” link.  Write in complete sentences and DO NOT USE SLANG.  Make sure you include your name and class period.  If it asks for an email address and you don’t have one, include mine-


Click here to read the article



1. What is sexting? 

2. What are the teens being charged with?

3.  What punishment could they face? Do you agree with this? Why/why not?

4. Honestly, what would you do if you received a “sext” or you knew your friends did this?

88 Responses to Current Event #2: Starting October 8

  1. April Westover says:

    Well my opinion on this is i dont have a cell phone so i dont have to worry about getting myself in trouble. It sucks that thoose kids are getting in trouble,but they knew better. So i dont really care a whole lot because they knew better and they knew eventually they would get in trouble sooner or later. There just dumb and imature for doing that.

  2. amber laufer says:

    Mrs. Schiding
    pd. 1

    1.Sexting is when people take nude or semi nude pictures of themself and sends it to another person.

    2.The teens are being charged with child pornography.

    3.They could be put in Juvie for a while or they can just bbe up under house arrest.

    4.If i was to recieve a “sext” i would tell my parents about the situation so they could help me out with what to do. If i knew someone that did this i would approch them at first and talk to them but if that dident work then i would have to tell someone.

  3. Austin Anderson says:

    1. Sexing is where a person sends a naked pic to another person by texting.

    2.They are being charged with child pornography.

    3.They can go to jail for at least 10 years.

    4. I wouldn’t do anything . I would be like whatever and i would delete it . It’s there decision . I dont really care about this .

  4. megann says:

    Sexting is sending nude or half nude photos of yourself or fowarding these photos to other people..

    The are being charged with child pornogrophy..

    They will be registered as sex affenders for ten years. I think its fair, if you were the one who sent it. You shouldnt get introuble if someone sent it to you because you cant control who sends what to your phone.

    If i recieved a sext i would delte it and tell them not to do it again, but if they did i would tell someone, like my parents or older sister.

  5. Casey R. says:

    Sexting is when a person sends nude or semi nude pictures of themseles via a cell phone. They are being charged with distrobution of child pornography, i think. They could be labeled as sex offenders, which i think is harsh. I say this because teenagers are going to continue to do it, and it’s usually just between two people. So its not like distrobution or anything like that. If i recieved a sext or knew my friends did this, i honestly wouldn’t really even care.

  6. Blythe Arnold-Scott says:

    Sexting is when you send a nude or semi-nude picture of yourself to someone else via text message. Teens are being charged with child pornography. They would have register themselves as sexual offenders for 10 years. I think the punishment is a little harsh because you are grouping them with the men or women that have done bad things to kids. Also it will affect them getting jobs and also where they go to school. Plus they wouldn’t be able to live near schools and stuff. it really effects how they live and go about their everyday things. I do know someone that did that and i told them that they shoudln’t do that because it will get around. If i ever got one i would delete it right away because if it is found on your phone it can cause a lot of problems.

  7. Jonah Watt says:

    When teenagers send nude or non nude photos of themselves to other people.

    They are charged with possesing child pornography.

    Forceing them to register themselves as a sexual offender for 10 years. Yeah i agree but they should also get jail time.

    i would delete the picture

  8. Cody Roof says:

    Sexting is sending sexual pictures to other peoples cell phones. the teens in this article are being charged with child pornography, a serious felony. They might not actually be put in jail for it but they could have to register as sex offenders. I don’t really agree with this, what they did was stupid but they didn’t do anything to anyone else. If I got one of those i’d just delete it becuase sending it to other people is really stupid and not worth getting a felony over.

  9. Cortney Ellis says:

    Sexting is nude or semi-nude pictures through cell phones. The teens are charged with child pornography. The punishment they face is to register themselves as sexual offenders. I think it is a little harsh. They will be compared to men and women that did stuff to little kids and it will effect them when they try to get jobs and stuff. They should get something smaller like, probabtion and they can have thier phone taken. If I got a sext I would delete it and not keep it. I would tell my friends not to do it.

  10. Darryl Lee says:

    If I received a sext to my phone I would destroy it or do anything logic to get it off my phone.If I knew one of my friends was sexting I would say to them,” look man you could get in serious trouble sexting and you need to stop”.

  11. Matthew Kauffman says:

    Sexting is when young teenagers take nude or semi-nude pictures of themselves and send it to a other person using a cell fone. The girls face charges of manufacturing, disseminating or possessing child pornography. The boys face charges of possession of child pornography. They would have to be mark as a sex offender for minium of ten years. I dont think they should make it that long cause kids make mistakes and i think they would learn their lesson from this. I would told them to stop because its not right and they could get in big trouble. I would delete the picture and forget about it and block the person who sent it to me. PD:1

  12. Christina Boyd says:

    Sexting is when you take nude photos of yourself and send them to other people. The teens are being charged with child pornography. They could face the punishment of having to register as sexual offender for at least 10 years. I do agree with this because then it might teach them not to do it again. They should be punished in some way. If I knew something like this was going on I would report it to someone even if they were my friend because obviously they need help.

  13. April McAlicher says:

    April McAlicher
    pd 1
    1.) Sexting is when you send nude or semi nude pictures of yourself to another person or the other way around.
    2.)The teens are being charged with child pornography.
    3.) The can be sent to juvie or placed on house arrest.
    4.) If I recieved a text i would probably delete it then tell the person not to do it again, (thats dirty!)

  14. Rebecca Althouse Pd. 3 says:

    Sexting is when you or someone else sends a nude or semi-nude picture of them selves or other people through text message. The teens that got accused of sexting are being charged with both state and federal charges of child pornography.There punishment is that they would be forced to register as sexual affenders for ten years. I agree with this punishment because they new what they were doing and they could of reported it right away but instead they have to face the consecuenses of what they did. If i reseaved a sext or i knew a friend was sending or getting sexts i would delete it right away and report it to an adult so it doesn’t start a problem for anyone.

  15. Jason Lefever/Pd.1 says:

    Sexting is when you send naked pictures of yourself to somebody. You can get charged with child pornography for that stuff. If one of my friends were doing this, I wouldn’t care because it’s there own fault for doing it. And if they get caught, then they probably deserve it for being stupid about it. And for chicks that send it to their boyfriend or whatever, they’ll probably send it to their buddies too. So more people than her boyfriend are gonna get it.

  16. michael mccandless says:

    1 It is showing a semi-nude picture of children on your cell phone.
    2 The teens should be charged with child pornography.
    3 Their punishment should be jail time. Yes, I do agree with the punishment because what they did is breaking the law.
    4 If I was to get a sext I would first report it to the police and then I would delete it.

  17. Lamont says:

    If i was to get a sext i would really care i just delete it so that i dont get caught with it on my phone im not gonna get in trouble over something stupid like that cuz of someone else doing something stupid.If i knew someone who did this i would tell them to delete it and dont send it 2 anyone else

  18. monica sastre says:

    sexting is when you or someone else sends a nude picture to another person.the teens are being fined of child pornography. the punishment they are recieving is thta they will be forced to register as a sex offender for 10 years. i agree with this punishment because the knew what they was doing is wrong. if i or a friend was recieving a word “sext”i would tell someone or just delete the text.

  19. sexting is when people text or send nude pics to people. they are getting charged with child pornograghy. there punishement is they are registerd sex affenders for ten years. no because they didnt rape anyone so why should they be registered sex effenders. i would text them and tell them to never do it again or i would report it.

  20. Sexting is basically teenagers sending nude or semi-nude pictures to certain people and then those certain people forwarding them to other people.

    The teens were charged with both and federal charges of child porn.

    I think there punishment was that they would be forced to be registered as sex offenders for the next ten years.

    If i recieved a sex message i wouldn’t really forward it to other people i would probably delete because that person sent to you for your eyes only not for your friends and their friends eyes.

  21. Alexis Bear says:

    Alexis bear pd 3

    Sexting is sending nude or half nude pic to someone else using a cellphone. they’re charged with child pornography. yeah i do agree because one some sould never go that low to send a naked picture of them self or send one of someone else. so the sould get charged for there stupid choice. i dont ever open pic messages form someones number i dont know or from someone i don’t trust. and if i saw this i’d show my parents. cause i tell my mom everything and she know what right.

  22. Kolt Garber period 3 says:

    Sexting is when you send nude or semi nude pictures or videos to someone or you are caught with chikd pornoghraphy on your phone. The teens are being charged with possession of child pornoghraphy. They could face incarnation and I think this is wrong because I honestly dont think it is a problem. But if i recieved a “sext” I would definately delete it because I wouldnt want to take the risk.

  23. Robert pierce Pd 1 says:

    Sexting is sending nude or seminude photos of your self or someone elce with your celphone. The teens are being charged with child pornography. they can face 10 years in prison. I do not agree with this it is harsh anyone under 25 does not have a fully developed brain and teens essicialy have poor jujment and don’t think what would happen down the road. The “sexting” would not effect me because i don’t own or use a cell but if i did i would report it.

  24. matt shuler says:

    pd3 sexting is when someone send nude picturse on their cell phone to guys and or other people this is a stuid thing to do because its not worth get in troble.

  25. Skyler hoffman says:

    It is when a girl or boy sends a nude pic. in a text messaging.
    They where charged with child pornography.
    They have to register as a sexual offender. I agree with the punishment because it’s wrong.
    I would erase it or tell someone.

  26. Niki Eisenhart says:

    Sexting is when one person sends another person a nude or semi nude picture through text messaging.
    Teens who get caught with sexting are getting charged with child pornography.
    The punishment for sexting is they could go to juvie. I agree with this because it is wrong to do and they should not be as stupid to do it.
    If i would recieve a sext I would erase it right away and not say anything about it except to the person who sent it to me and tell them to never send me anything like that, I do not want to see that. If my friends did this I would try to talk to them about it and tell them to stop. I think it is horrible when people spred that kind of stuff.

  27. Nathan Vitacco says:

    Sexting is when a person sends nude pictures to another person. They are being charged with child pornography. The punishment that they could face would be registering as sexual offenders for at least ten years. I don’t agreee with the punishment because they are being put on the same site as men and women who actually sexually molested someone and who are real sex offenders. If I received a “sext” or if I knew someone who did, I would want to delete it because that is evading somebodies space, but if they are dumb enough to do it, I would let them be.

  28. Tiana Hoff says:

    Sexting is sending naked or nude pictures to other cell phones.The teens are being charged with child pornography. They would have to register as sex offenders for 10 years. I would delete it and notify that person right away, first of all because they werent using common sense when they sent the picture and because they can face serious charges.

  29. Kelsi Sprenkle says:

    Sexting is when somebody takes nude pictures of themselves and sends them to somebody else. The teens that are accused of sexting are being facing charges with manufacturing, disseminating, or possessing child pornography. They also have to register as a sex offender for 10 years, or go to juvie. I agree with this because they need to realize they made a huge mistake, and it will hopefully teach them to never do it again. If I recieve a sext, I would delete it right away because i want absolutely no part in it. If I knew my friend did this I would tell them what they did was wrong, and to knock it off.

  30. Kirstin Hughes says:

    Sexting is when a person takes a nude picture of themself and sends that picture to another person.They are being charged with child pornography.The people who do this could be put into juive. I do agree with it because i think that its wrong to send people nude pictures of themself even if they are very close to you. if i would ever get one i who tell someone like my parents so they know what happen and if i knew someone who is doing it i would tell them to stop or they are going to be put into juvie. That is not good.

  31. Robert Comgena says:

    Sexting is the act of sending nude and/or semi nude pictures through email and/or texts. The teens are beging charged with child pornography and if convicted would be registered as a sex offenders for 10 years. I would delete it and suggest to the person that it was not a smart decision to make.

  32. Caitlyn Mitchell says:

    Sexting is sending nude photos through text messaging. If you are caught sexting, you can be charged with child pornography. Teens who are caught doing this are getting punished with a 10 year registration as a sexual offender. I personally don’t have picture messaging, but if I ever received a nude picture I would definitely delete it right away. Obviously the people who sent the pictures weren’t thinking of the possible consequences they’d face, but by forwarding the pictures to others instead of deleting it, you are making the situation so much worse. You are now responsible for forwarding the photo, which is going to get you into trouble. Also you are humilitating the person a lot more, as if they’re not already humiliated enough.

  33. Ryan says:

    Sexting is when u send nude pics to people. Teens who do this are being charged with pornagrafy.I think that whatever they get they deserve because that is wrong. Luckily i dont know anyone who does do that so i am good.

  34. Lars Keller says:

    Sexting is when people send nude or semi nude pictures to other people. The teens are being charged with pornography charges. Their punishments are that they would be registered as sexual offenders for at least ten years. I don’t agree with this because it is pretty severe for some kids sending unapropriate pictures to each other. I still think that they should get some kind of a punishment. I really wouldn’t care if I got a sext because I would just delete it.

  35. Gavin says:

    Sexing is where a person sends a naked pic to another person by texting. then teens are beging charged with child pornography. NAd the worst thing is They also have to register as a sex offender for 10 years, or go to juvie.

  36. Austin Wilhide says:

    It is tha act of sending nude or semi nude pictures of themselves via a text. They are being charged with child pornography. They may face a fine and/or incarceration. They also have to file as a sex offender. If i get a sext i would delete it and tell a adult, if someone i knew sexted i would tell them to knock it off.

  37. Brittany Miller says:

    Pd 5.

    1. Sexting is when you send nude or semi nude pictures in a text to another persons phone.

    2.The teens are being charged with child Pornography.

    3. The teens could be faced with fine or incarceration. I do agree because they should not have been sending or keeping the pictures. The boys were probably pressuring the girls to send the pictures.

    4.I would delete it cuz thats gross and if my friend was doing it i would sit down with them and have a long chat to end their sexting days.

  38. Bernardo dos Santos says:

    sexting is when teenagers send porn pictures of themselves by text messages. the charges are possesing child pornography, they could face a fine or incarceration, i agree with that, a kid who do that is not different than an adult who is doing that so i thing that the consequences should be the same.
    if somebody send me a sext message probably i will talk with the person

  39. Mia Arnold-Scott says:

    Sexting is when someone sends a nude or semi- nude picture to someone else. If you are caught with a picture on your phone you will be charged with Child Pornography. You can get a fine or jail time for being caught. I think jail time is taking it a little far but definitely a fine. If i got a picture like that i would delete it as soon as i got it. If a friend were to do this i would tell them they need to stop because if it ended up on the internet anyone can look at it and it could come up later on when you are trying to get a job and they find this.

  40. Kelsey Gentzler says:

    Period 5

    Sexting is sending nude or semi-nude photos through text messages. Teens are being charged with child pornography. If the boys are found guilty they will face a fine and 10 years being registered as a sex offender. I agree with it, it’s gross that people would do that. It’s kind of disgusting if you think about it and what would posess someone to do it but if you would do it then at least delete the picture. Then if a teacher takes your phone and looks through it the picture wont be on there. If i recieved a sext i would ignore it and delete it. If someone i knew was sexting i would try to convince them to stop so they don’t go through what these kids are going through and probably make them read this article.

  41. Tanner Sweitzer says:

    Sexting is when you send a nude picture through texting. The teens were charged with child pornography. They will be registered as a sex offender for 10 years. If I got a sext i would just delete and really wouldn’t care that i got the sext in the first place.

  42. Travis Good says:

    Sexting is when you or someone else send nude or half nude pictures through texting. They are being charged with child pornography and will be regsitered as sex offenders for 10 years. I think it is a fair sentence because it is their own fault that they sent the pictures while being under the age of 18. If I ever recieved a sext, I wouldn’t know what it was until I opened it so I would have to see it, but then I would delete it so no one got in trouble.

  43. FELIPE Rodriguez says:

    1.when someone send a nude pic. of their self. they could face time in jail or fine.if i got a pix of someone of i would have deleted something

  44. andrew walk says:

    sexting is when you or someone else sends nude pictures to someone else teens are being charged with child pornography and face at least 10 years in jail and will be stuck with the title of a sex offender forever.

  45. LaKyn :) says:

    This is when you take nude or half nude pictures of ur self. You can be charged with child pornography. I agree that they should be charged. That would never be me because its my body. Why expose it to the world. SICK PERVS!!!! Thats mmy opinion.

  46. LaKyn :) says:

    This is when you take nude or half nude pictures of ur self. You can be charged with child pornography. I agree that they should be charged. That would never be me because its my body. Why expose it to the world. People could go and try to get money for that. Sorry people not my body. SICK PERVS!!!! Thats mmy opinion.

  47. Dre Prather says:

    Sexting is sending nude pictures of yourself through texting. They were charged with possession of child pornography and they could’ve been registered as a sex offender for 10 years. If i recieved sext i would ignore and delete it. If I knew one of my friends were sexting I would tell them to stop and to read this article to know the consequences. And I would be really mad at them because it’s really dumb and immature.

  48. isabella says:

    sexting is sending nude or semi-nude photos through a text message. girl teens are being charged with manufacturing, disseminating or possessing child pornography. while guy teens are being charged with possesion. depending on the age of the people they could have to register on meganslaw for ten years. i agree with what they are being charged with because its a crime and they need to get introuble for it. if i would recieved a “sext” i would inform the cops of it frist and then let my parents no about it. if i knew a frind that sent or recived a “sext” i wouldnt care because its not my business.

  49. micah kohr says:

    Kids sending pic on there phone.child porn. jall time. and just eras it

  50. kristina morales says:

    1)Sexting is someone who but a nued picture in a person phones.
    2)Child pornography.
    3)They can go to jail. i do not agree because they are get kids they should had now better.
    4)If i had a friend that did that i would said what is going now in there haed you did to stop ok.

  51. Cody Schell says:

    Sexting is when someone send nude pictures with a phone. They can be charged with possision of child porn. They can go to jail. I do not agree with that sever of a punishment, but I do think they should be punished. I would not recieve sexting because I do not have a phone. IfI did have a phone I would delet it right a way and tell them to stop sending me that stuff.

  52. Ashley Bodnar says:

    Mrs. Schiding
    Period 3

    1. Sexting is when someone sends nude or semi-nude pictures with a cell phone.
    2. The teens are being faced with child pornography chrages.
    3. They are being faced with the possiblity of going to jail. I agree with this charge because the teens should have known better not to do this kind of stuff.
    4. If I would receive a “sext” or I knew of a friend that was doing this, I would tell my parents and inform the police.

  53. Candace Kopp says:

    Sexting is when girls took nude pictures of themselfs and sent them to male classmates. The teens are being charged with the females 14- or 15-years-old, face charges of manufacturing, disseminating or possessing child pornography. The males are 16 and 17, face charges of possession. They could go to jall. No I do not agree but what they did was wrong and they do need to be punished. I would tell someone then delete it right away and have them blocked.

  54. Karis Knepper says:

    Sexting is when anyone takes a dirty picture of themselves and sends it to someone else’s phone. They are being charged with child pornography charges and would end up in jail. I agree that if someone was stupid enough to do this, they should face the consequesces. Also, if someone sent me a “sext” I would certainly report them and erase it as soon as possible. Its just sick.

  55. Shelby Stanford says:

    Sexting is when anyone takes and sends nude or semi nude pictures of themselves via, cell phone. They are being charged with child pornography charges, and could face jail time. I do agree that if someone were to do this they should face some sort of punishment, if they actually used it for pornography. If someone sent me a “sext” I would delete it.

  56. Dylan H, says:

    Sexting is when someone sends nude pictures of themselves to other people. they are being charged with child pornagrophy and evenyually will end up in jail. i think it is just stupid to do it in the first place. if you really are that skanky why would you not just hang out with the person or date them?

  57. Nate Slonaker says:

    sexting is when kids take naked pictures of themselves and send it to other people

    child pornagrophy and will probaly end up in jail

    years in jail, or a find. i agree with this because they have to learn their lesson the first time

  58. Valerie Amsler says:

    1)Sexting is when someone sends nude pictures or videos of themselves to others.
    2)The kids are being charged with child pornagrophy.
    3)They could go to jail or just be under house hold arrest. I thnk its just wrong to do in the first place so yes i do think they should.
    4)I think thats its wrong to take the picture and press send but if i would recieve one i would just delete it right away so theres no risks.

  59. Laurel Crumling says:

    Pd 5

    Sexting is when someone sends a nude or partly nude picture of themselves to someone else. The teens are being charged with child pornography and will go to juvie. I think it is fair because they made the bad decision to send them in the first place. They should have known better. If I got a “sext” I would delete it right away and tell the person that sent it to stop.

  60. Ashley Clayborne says:

    Sexting is when someone sends nude pictures to the internet through their phones in the style of texting.
    they are being charged with pornagrophy and at one point that person will end up in jail.And if you are going to make a stupid decision like that then you should really think about the consequences first.

  61. Adriana Paz says:

    pd. 5
    1. when people takes pictures os themselfs semi nude.
    2. child pornagraphy
    3. they can be put in jail. yes I agree with that because they must bear the consequences of their actions.
    4. i will ignore it.

  62. Breanna Beebe says:

    Pd 3.

    1. Sexting is when someone takes pictures of them self either nude or semi nude and sends them to someone or more than one person.

    2. Teens are being charged with Child Pornography.

    3. They could face time in jail or being charged. Yes, i 100% agree because that’s just nasty, you can seriously get hurt by doing that. Its very easy to press the forward button and your picture could be everywhere.

    4. Honestly, if i received one, i don’t know what i would do, i would probably text the person back and be like what the bananas was that, you know you can get charged and stuff. Tell them that i really don’t want pictures of them and try and help them. If my friend did it, i wouldn’t turn on them or look at them any different. I would just talk to them and try and help them not do that.

  63. Dan Lindsey says:

    Sex, sex, sex, that’s what it’s all about. Texting someone your “unmentionables” is called sexting, and I think it’s stupid considering pictures last forever once they leave your phone. And while I agree that this is an issue that needs to be addressed, the fact of the matter is that the punishment does not match the crime. a 14 year old charged with manufacturing and possessing child pornography. and 17 year olds charged with possession as well? Harsh to say the least. We’re talking potential jail time and registering as sex offenders for 10 years minimum. The law definitely needs to catch up with the technology or at least be adjusted. We have these laws to prevent adults from viewing child porn, not stupid teenagers making a bad decision. Reading this, if I ever receive a sext my first now will be “I might go to jail, and they’re gonna say I’m a sex offender”. I’d be honestly worried about it.

  64. Cody Glugla says:

    Sexting is sending a picture of your self naked if ur under 17.You could go to jail and will be registered as a sex offender.I agree with the charge.If i got one i would delete it once i got it.

  65. Jenna :p says:

    yeah i think that they should be charged because that is just nasty why do that like seriously no you dont do that and its your body it should be kept to yourself and not to everyone in the whole world. thats what i think.

  66. Justinb Mellinger says:

    Well……sexting is texting very sexual thing back and forth. So….teens are being charged for child pornograghy. Be regesterd as a sex afender. And i have a very strong opinion about this. I disagree with the whole thing. Because its ur buisness on what you do with your self. And if i were to get a sext i would sext back. I dont see the big deal at all.

  67. Renee Staub says:

    Sexting is when people under the age of 17 are sending nude or semi-nude pictures through their cell phones. The kids are being charged with child pornograhpy. Their could not be a real punishment for them to be incarcerated, but they could be registered as a sex offender for atleast 10 years. If I got sent a “sext,” or a friend does it, i would probably report them and tell them that thats discusting.

  68. Daquan Valentine says:

    1. sexting is sending nude pictures to peolpe over the phone.
    2.they are charged with pornagraphy. i dont agree with the punishements because the are to harsh.
    4.I would tel the personabout the consequence that they could face.

  69. Heagy says:

    sexting is when a person sends a naked picture to another person. teens are being charged with child pornography. they are being labeled as sex offendersi think it is stupid because the person in the picture made there own decision to take the picture. if someone sent me a sext i really wouldn’t care.

  70. Lynsey Bilelt says:

    Sexting is when a person sends nude or partially nude photos to another person via cell phone. These teens are being charged with possession of child pornography. They could be charged with child pornography which will stay with them on their criminal record. If it were one of my close friends I would explain to them the potential consequences that could result. If it were sent to me I would be sure to get rid of it.

  71. Emily Kane says:

    Sexting is when people send naked pictures to other people. The teens are being charged with pornography. I completly agree with the punishment because that is their fault for sending the pictures in the first place. If they want to have a slutty reputation then that’s their problem. Obviously they don’t have anything else better to do and they have no respect for themselves. If i got a picture like that I would tell the person to not send me another one because I don’t care to see it.

  72. Erick J Rosario says:

    Sexting is when people take nude or semi nude pictures of themself and sends it to other people.

    The teens are getting charged whith child porn
    They could be put in Juvienile for a while.

    if i recived a sext i would imidatly erase it i wount say anyting becouse thats their lifes not mine and i dont wanna ruin someones life even more

  73. Ali Hollerbush says:

    Sexting is when people take and send nude pictures of themselves. If someone “sexted” me I would delete it and tell my parents so if they saw it I wouldnt get in trouble and get arrested for having that picture on my phone. If I found out that my friends were doing that I would tell them that they shouldnt do it but I wouldnt go tell on them because its not really my business. If pictures were being sent that I knew would embarrass or hurt someone then I would tell someone and ask for help to stop it.

  74. Terrance Kline says:

    Sexting is when someone sends a naked or semi-nude to someone else through a text message. Teens are getting charged with child pornograghy for sexting. The teens could get charged with child pornograghy and could be registered as sexual offenders for up to 10 years. I don’t agree with this because they are kids and shouldn’t get charged as a sexual offender because they made a mistake. If i got a sext i would ignore it or report it to someone. But, if i knew a friend that was doing it i would tell them to stop so they didn’t get in trouble.

  75. Zach Butcher says:

    Sexting is when someone sends nude or semi-nude pictures of themselves or someone else. The teens are being charged with child pornography. They could get arrested and could also have to register as a sex offender, I do kind of agree with these punishments because if they are stupid enough to send the pictures then they should get punished. If I recieved a sext or if I knew a friend who did it then I would just delete it and tell them to stop sending them.

  76. Jasmine Sastre says:

    Sexting is when you send nude or partly nude photos of yourself or others.The students are getting charged with child pornogrophy.They could serve up to about 10 years.I agree with this because you shoudldnt be sending nude photos of your self.Honestly i would just delete the text an go about my day.

  77. Dasean Griffin says:

    Sexting is when someone sends nude pictures to your cell phone. These teens charged with are getting rape. Well what i think is no one should be sending any naked pictures from there phone no matter what.

  78. alex sullivan says:

    sexting is when you send a nude picture. if you caught you can get put on the internet for ten years as a sex offender. sometimes you can be put in jail.

  79. Michael Singletary says:

    Period 3

    Sexting is sending a explicit picture of yourself or someone else to different people. Teens are being charged with child pornography. they are charged with it because it’s younger kids pictures being sent around and parents are complaining and find it obscene to have kids sending naked pics to whoever for whatever. The punishment is that they have to register as a sex offender,in a way I do agree but then again I feel as though if you can txt people then you should have the common sense not to send a naked photo of you to other people so in my eyes I don’t agree with the punishment. If I recieved a “sext” I would delete it but then again you don’t know if you’ve been “sexted” until you open it but they say that it’s illegal to open it so that really doesn’t make sense. If I knew a friend did this I really wouldn’t do anything because it’s their life and not my choice to say or have any input on what they do.

  80. Nikki Hutson says:

    Sexting is sending nude pictures to other people on your cell phone.They are being charged with child pornography and they could be put in juvie or put on house arrest. I don’t know if I’d go as far as house arrest or juvie but i do agree with a sevre harsh punishment. If I would get a sext i would delete and warn the person that if they do it again it will be taken care of the right way.

  81. Meyer Schriver says:

    Sexting is sending a nude picture of yourself through your cellphone. If you get cought you could serve up to 10 years in prison. If i recieved a picture from someone i would delete it and not talk to that person again, i would also report it.

  82. Ngun Pen says:

    sextin is when someone takes a picture nude.
    they are charged for pornography. they could be put in jail or house arrest.
    Yes because they have to learn that what they did was not right and they need to face their actions.
    I’ll ignore and not talk to them because i don’t that kind of people.

  83. Charles Laudenslager says:

    sexting is when people take nude or semi-nude photos of themselves or others to other people. The people then get charged for possesion of child pornography and have to register as a sex offender. if i got one i would delete it immediatly, and then alert the authorities so they can know that someone is breaking the law. if i knew somone who was doing it i would tell the authorities that they were so then they could stop him from doing that.

  84. Peter Rojahn says:

    Sexting is when people take naked pictures of themselves and send them in text format. People who get them are charged with possession of child pornography and must register as sex offenders. Anyone who sends them is stupid. if i got one I’d delete it. i’d tell my friend not to do it again and to delete the picture. If I still liked them, I wouldnt tell the authorities so they wouldnt get in trouble, no harm no foul, right?

  85. Sam Benton says:

    Period 3

    Sexting is sending nude or seminude pictures through cell phones. The teens are being charged with possession and distribution of child pornography. They could face jail time. I agree with this because it is child pornography and can get kids into trouble. If I received a sext, I would email it to my computer and upload it to the internet. Then I would send a sext in return to show my gratitude. Either that or delete it and have a serious talk with the person.

  86. Owen De Los Santos says:

    I don’t think it’s that big of a deal of sexting. I don’t sext one because it’s dumb and two because I don’t have a cellphone. I think that these kids are being judged to hard and should have just been spoken to.

  87. megan hodges says:

    Sexting is nude or semi-nude pictures that are sent through cell phones or the internet. The teens are being charged with child pornography. The punishment a teen could face for sexting is having to register as a sex offender for around 10 years. I find this punishment pretty harsh. If people want to expose themselves, then they obviously don’t care. I’m not saying i agree with sexting, but it’s there own stupid fault, ya know? If i recieved a sext, well, first i would erase it, and then tell them not to send another, and if they did, then i’d possibly do something about it. honestly, it depends who it was, haha.

  88. Felipe Rodriguez says:

    sexting is when you send nude pictures of yourself to another person.
    they are being chared with they could face up to ten year in jail.

    i think people want to send pix let them but do not be showing the world keep it between you and that if it your girlfriend or boyfreind and then you break up and one of you strated to action dum well you are now you got to pay for it.

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